Help !

Laydeedoll 👄 • ❤️ #MilitaryMom #OHBABY!

March mommies I am freaking out . My son is 7 months and he will be starting daycare next month if can’t get my leadership to keep me on nights . I watch my son during the day and my mom and sister watch him at night . My leadership has always been supportive because I’m taking care of my son while is father is stationed In VA . My mom says putting him in daycare will help him learn more and it’s making me sad am I not doing enough as a mother at home ? Will Putting him in daycare will help him more ? He is not crawling and doesn’t have teeth yet . I do my best to be active with him as much as I can while balancing my own full time job . I need advice ! Any moms see changes with their babies from daycare ? Or should I stay on night and keep my son home until I’m ready .