Cry it out with connected neighbors?

Anyone live in a townhome and have your babies room next to your neighbors? We live in military housing and they are townhomes. My sons room is connected to the neighbors room. She’s a Bitch (sorry no sorry for that). She’s never said hi or anything back to us they 1.5 years we have lived here. Very rude people.

We want to sleep train. I miss sleeping in bed with my husband.

Well my son screams at night. We have tried and he will scream 20min in his crib no matter what. Even if you go in every couple minutes to soothe. We don’t let that happen since I’m to paranoid about the neighbor. He sleeps in his crib just fine for naps

No i am not going to buy takingcarababies but thank you for the recommendation.

What do you do with your neighbor? Do you just do it anyway? We’re moving in December in the new military housing in January. Just wait?