
Currently 33 weeks. Had a check up today and described what I've been feeling to my doctor and she said that it definitely sounds like contractions and that it's very noticeable that baby has dropped.

What I've been feeling hasn't been anything consistent or painful at all. My belly gets reeeaaallll tight and I feel soooo much more pressure than I already feel (not just in my pelvis but all over. Top, bottom, sides. Everywhere) on top of being very short of breath. After my appointment though, it became more uncomfortable and crampy like. The cramps have felt like mild contractions (this is my third but I've never experienced anything like this) and these pressure contractions have been more in quantity since after my appointment. But they're still not very painful and I feel like they're kind of all over the place. I've eaten, laid down, and have drank water to try to get them to stop and they haven't.

With all of that being said, I have two main questions:

1. At what point would you start timing them?? When they become more painful or when I've noticed them being closer together?

And 2. Since it's fairly early, at what point would you recommend maybe going to the hospital? If contractions get real close together or sooner??

I'm not necessarily looking for medical advice as much as in looking for motherly advice. Thanks a bunch!!