Being crazy or am I valid!! Update

So ladies here’s the story-

My sister in law has 5 children and I have 3 she knows we have been trying for a 4th after 8years as my youngest has downs we decided to leave big gap.

But she fully well knew we are TTC.

I found out the other day that she is pregnant again!!

With her 6th child her youngest is a year old.

We haven’t announced our pregnancy yet just waiting on the the first scan to make sure everything looks ok, as this is when we had found out last time that there was something “wrong” with out our baby.

So I am feeling like she did this on purpose!! Providing she totally knew when we were TTC

Maybe it’s my hormones or do I have a valid reason for feeling like this. I feel like she’s trying to make it ALL about her again.

Are my feelings valid or am I being crazy.

Ladies what do u think?


U ladies have made me see reason. But I just wanted to say it is my husbands sister things have always been quite strained between us. I am happy for her I think the fact that she’s having baby every year and I thought this time it would be my time only but she got pregnant again. I no a sound absolutely ridiculous don’t I. 🤦🏽‍♀️