
Courtney • Had my beautiful daughter Aug 8th, 2019 ❤️

My daughter is 10 weeks tomorrow. I was worried because she hadn’t peed since 2am and it’s now 8am here but she now has. I checked her temperature and it read 100.9 so naturally I freaked out. I remember she was laying on my chest though and so I laid her down by herself for a little while and checked again and it was 98.9. Do I consider this a false alarm? She seems fine. She sleeps a lot at night now and for long stretches, I think that’s why she hadn’t peed until now but she’s not coughing or anything like that. Boogers in the nose occasionally but nothing crazy and not bad colors. She’s happy. Alert when awake and responsive. She will sometimes refuse the bottle when first eating but this is usually for some other reason like she is tired, gassy, sometimes we have to switch like she doesn’t want dad to feed her only mom or vice versa lol. But she’s always been like that. So should I be concerned? I plan to check it again obviously but I found it odd it could be so high and then drop immediately.