Nubian • Adding Another Generation Too The Family🥰🙌🏽 Due: May 2020

I’ve posted in here a couple times actually about sub chronic hematoma‘s. This Will be my fourth pregnancy and first time having a sub chronic hematoma. When I first posted about this topic I had went to the ER one night for blood and cramps that I was not used to. The Then ER doctor told me I had a sub chronic hematoma and to be aware of a threatened miscarriage. Before my rainbow baby was born I had a miscarriage and also blood with that pregnancy as well which led to the miscarriage and ended up being an a topic pregnancy. So this time when I sat down on the toilet I just knew something had to be wrong and today I went into my six week check up just to make sure everything was OK and long behold, I got to see my baby‘s heartbeat and no bleeding no sub chronic hematoma anymore just a healthy baby on its way!!! So I just want to say to all you ladies out there truly going through a sub chronic hematoma. No matter how far along you are in your pregnancy if it’s small, if it’s big or, if you have serious bleeding a little bleeding that if you just pray and just believe, that it will either resolve on its own or will go away. I do also want to say that I know a lot of women I am you know comment you don’t have to rest you shouldn’t do this they continue about what they do with the day. But for my honest opinion I would rest I wouldn’t pick up nothing too heavy and I would just pray and stay relaxed and calm don’t think yourself out too much don’t give yourself anxiety and don’t overthink it. It’s actually far more common than a lot of women know on this earth. So

Please don’t give up on yourselves and please don’t lose hope anything is possible. Prayers for all you ladies out there. Due#June2020