Childish father

I am strict when it comes to my kids going to bed, 7:30 is the time I like for them to settle down and be in bed by 8:30. The childish father thinks it’s okay to give them candy and stay up because I’m not talking to him!! They don’t want to eat proper food when I cook and it gets thrown away because they follow him! He has maybe 19 teeth left in his mouth and eats junk food all day!! And he does this IRRITATING sucking sound when you try to get food out your teeth..and it drives me INSANE, I just want to scream out STFU...YOU BARELY HAVE ANY FUCKING TEETH.. SO WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO GET OUT OF THERE!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬I try to look past that, but it’s becoming a nuisance when he underminds my parenting because I’m more of the stricter parent! The kids don’t want to listen to me because they think he is more fun!! He doesn’t help me with the kids homework, if he does it one time he makes it out like he done the world a favor!! He doesn’t brush his teeth at all and wonders why I don’t want to kiss him, he smokes weed morning, noon and night multiple times and it’s in the house followed by cigarettes! I wake up everyday at 6:40 am to get the kids dressed for school, while he lays down and complains when I turn the lights on! I’m 35 in a half weeks pregnant and been trying to work this out...but I’m talking care of 4 kids plus him, then his 2 other kids who wants to play games and be on their phone and not help around the house when they come over!! Ugghh I’m getting to the breaking point!! He even complains about helping me with taking the kids to school, granted I’m a stay at home mom but i read everyday about men who works and still is hands on!! I’m so over this, and don’t know what else to do because when we argue he turns into a big kid and isn’t mature enough to even talk it out!! I’m just pissed off because he makes it ok to not fully nourish our kids bodies with real home cooked meals and doesn’t like water! He gets mad if I don’t have soda or juice and now it’s rubbing off on my kids!! We been together for 6in a half years and I been dealing with it because I been hoping things would change...but I’m finding my self disgusted every single day!!!