Viability Check with 110bpm at 6 weeks


Hi ladies! I just had my first appointment and saw baby’s heartbeat. ❤️ Measuring 5w6d but thought I was closer to 6w3d. Anyway, they measured baby’s heart rate at 110bpm and told me that it might not be viable and to come back in 2-3 weeks. The ultrasound tech did say that since it’s so early it could just be starting up slowly—but doctor made me more nervous. Honestly I’m glad they are being upfront about the possibility of a loss, but now I’m super worried and don’t go back until 11/4. They are calling it a “viability” appointment which just makes it seem even scarier.

The lower heartbeat along with the fact that I was spotting early on and it took 2 weeks to get a super dark hpt has me scared! 😢

Could use some positive vibes!! 🤞