My partner keeps lying to me

Maddie || Aiden • 18•artist•trans ftm•pansexual and proud•taken❤️🔐

Hi! This is honestly a long story but me and my partner have been together for a while now and recently we’ve been having some difficulty about our relationship being open. It started when I accidentally freaked him out when I mentioned something about us being together for a long time. Commitment made him claustrophobic and anxious due to his previous partner having severe schizophrenia so he wanted to have me as a main partner while we both freely explore other hookups and such. We both agreed to communicate with each other about who we’re seeing. Ever since I freaked him out, he has been acting very strange and most of things he told didn’t add up. He would sprinkle little lies about who he was talking to and what he was thinking about or what he was doing when I asked. Those little lies eventually snowballed into vents where he would call me a bitch and claimed I was manipulating him when I pointed out he was doing something wrong. He is still repeatedly lying to my face even though I know the truth. I know this is clearly a trust issue. Is there anyway I can fix this or should I just leave?

Please be very kind in the comments/replies.