Thought i was ready to stop but I’m not 😭


I’ve been combo feeding (formula & breastfeeding) since the beginning because my son was having a hard time latching & i was exclusively pumping. At 3 weeks old, he finally starting latching decently (pretty sure he has a tongue tie and/or lip tie). Well I didnt think he was getting enough from me & that maybe it was giving him baby acne along with possibly being pregnant again AND not taking care of myself well. So i was trying to wean him but i started regretting it😭 today was the first day i didn’t pump or nurse at all & i decided to nurse him tonight after he’d had half a bottle. He latched right away & nursed for a few minutes before stopping. If I’m still producing some milk, it shouldn’t be too terribly hard to get my supply back up right? It increased a lot when i started nursing more than i was pumping so maybe with the combination of the two?? He’s only 7 weeks old & most people i know stopped around this age so i figured i would too but I’m NOT ready. It was mostly my MIL & my stepmom making me think if he’s not getting a lot that it wasn’t even worth it, but even a little to me is better than none at all not to mention the bonding time. I would love to exclusively breastfeed but my diet is awful due to me being extremely picky& im fine with combo feeding if that’s all i can do. Any advice?? Also is it possible to nurse a tongue tied baby successfully without a revision?? We cant afford it out of pocket at the moment.