

I am currently a 8 DPO. I have cramping/ aching from my waist to my knees (since 2 DPO) I have nausea, fatigue, constipation, bloating, gassy, <- (Sorry I know it’s TMI) I am always hungry… But that’s just me 😂😂. I don’t have sore breasts, but I do have sharp/ tingling sensation on them( on and off). - TMI - I still have watery/ some creamy/ white-brown / Ewcm. That’s I’ve had since 3 DPO. Over the days it isn’t all day now it’s mainly in the morning or after I nap.

Has anyone experienced this??

I tested today but it was negative 👎. But I already know it’s wayyy tooo early.

Any advice. Oh and I’ve never experienced any of this. I’m usually in tune with my body. The past few days I just want to stay in bed all day.

I’m not ovulating I’ve even double checked to mark that off the list.

——- what does this mean?? I feel so off 😭 Oh and I’m emotional 😂