Exclusive pumpers


Help! I obsess over having enough milk and trying to pump during any time I can. I swear it's the only thing I do. Our nursing journey is postponed due to a tongue and lip tie. He only nurses at night when bed sharing. It's hard to put baby down to pump and it creates an additional step in the cycle. I've tried putting myself one bottle ahead but then eventually am back to pumping just enough for the current meal. How do you make it work without going crazy? The level of stress and obsession is unreal. I wish I could just nurse on demand instead of overanalyzing but his latch isn't strong enough to draw out all the milk which leaves him still hungry (slow weight gain) and depletes my supply. I can pump about 4 oz every 3ish hours but he sometimes wants to eat every 2 hours. Nothing against formula ( I use it to top off nighttime bottles a few times a week) but would prefer to stick to breastmilk. Any tips welcome to save my sanity.