The Set Up pt.1

Jayce was ready for his freshman year in college. He had graduated with all necessary requirements in May & he worked all summer to save up for his first semester of college in Bremerton University. His parents helped a bit & his grandparents helped as well, but he felt bad for taking their money. He promised to pay them back after his first “big boy” job. Jayce wasn’t an “A” student, but he sure worked hard for everything in life. He spent his last day with his family & friends. Although he knew he’d miss them all, he couldn’t wait to leave for college the next day. He dreamed of dorm life, all the intellectual studies he’d be doing, the parties, the girls & meeting new people. A couple of his friends would be going to the same college & one of his brothers had just graduated from that college a couple years ago.

Brooke was an uptown girl who basically got everything she wanted. She was book smart & really studious. She was beautiful & witty. She was always quick to say what was on her mind. She & her boyfriend along with a couple of close friends were also headed to Bremerton University in Washington. Unlike Jayce, Brooke didn’t have to work for school. She could’ve picked any school in the world & she wouldn’t have to work a day in her life to pay a single cent.

Jayce arrived on campus with his bags & headed to the dormitory before freshman orientation. He & his friends were already checking out a few girls. He entered his dorm which was a co-Ed dorm his brother recommended to live in. Just then he rammed into Brooke.

Brooke: Hey! Watch where you’re going?

Jayce: Oh sorry.

Brooke: Mr. Godfrey there has to be some mistake. I signed up for another dorm. The new girls dorm across campus.

Mr. Godfrey: I apologize, Miss Miller, but we have no availabilities. You are currently on the waiting list as number 111.

Brooke: You’ve got to be kidding me?! Excuse me! Why are you still here?

Jayce: I’m waiting for my room assignment & orientation.

Mr. Godfrey: You are...

Jayce: Jayce Newfield, sir. I’ll take any room.

Brooke: Take mine! I’m not staying here.

Jayce: I’ll bunk with you...

Brooke: Oh please. Don’t flatter yourself.

Mr. Godfrey: Mr. Newfield... Newfield... Ah here we are, room 303.

Jayce: Thank you, sir.

Mr. Godfrey: Miss Miller, you are in room 310.

Brooke was so upset she texted her boyfriend & all her friends about the dorm mix up. She refused to stay in an old, co-Ed dorm. All her friends were in another dorm & her boyfriend was in the dorm furthest from her. Jayce was just happy to have a room. He thought Brooke was a handful, sassy, but hot. He liked sassy girls. He headed upstairs & bumped into Brooke in the stairwell.

Jayce: We have to stop meeting like this.

Brooke: How about we just stop meeting?

Jayce notices that Brooke is struggling with her bags up the stairs.

Jayce: Um.. Need some help there?

Brooke: No, I’m fine.

Jayce: You don’t look fine to me. I mean you’re fine, but you look like you’re struggling.

Jayce slings his duffle over his shoulder as a backpack & picks up Brooke’s bag.

Brooke: Thanks. Jayce right?

Jayce: Yup.

Brooke: I’m Brooke.

Jayce didn’t see Brooke for the rest of the day, he figured she skipped orientation to hang out with her rich friends. He met up with his friends at orientation & then headed out to dinner with them.

Rick: How’s everyone’s dorm?

Jayce: My dorm & room is great. Except I keep bumping into this rich brat who literally complains about everything.

Rick: But is she hot though?

Jayce: Yeah...

Rick: I’m in a co-Ed too, but none of the girls are hot.

Lindsey: You guys are pigs!

Rick: Hey! What’s happening over there?

Brooke: Excuse me, I didn’t order this.

Jayce: Oh gosh...

Lindsey: What?

Jayce: That’s the brat.

Rick: Seriously? She’s hot AF.

Jayce was annoyed, but somehow attracted to Brooke. He decided to forget about her & focus on school. There were plenty of other girls in school too.

Brooke’s boyfriend stepped out with a few guy friends & Brooke stayed behind with her gal pals. Jayce & Brooke made eye contact & just smiled & waved to one another.