Anyone battling milk supply and working out?


Hi ladies,

My baby boy is 3 months and has been EBF with the occasional formula bottle. I signed up for the gym a month ago and have put it on the back burner. But on Tuesday I set my foot down and went because I am tired of nothing fitting me!!!

It felt amazing! I did mostly cardio with a bit of weights not much. So I decided to go Wednesday as well. But since last night I have noticed that my boobs feel soo empty. I have been chugging water like no tomorrow. But they don’t feel the same. I’m paranoid like scared right now that I messed with my supply. I haven’t had a dip like this before.

It feels like my baby is just sucking away. I used to be able to squeeze quiet a lot out and now when I do it’s like nothing comes out.

Besides drowning myself in water what can I do to get back to normal. I feel as though I will have to stop working out and just start once my breast feeding journey is over. Any advice please! I am freaking out and feel so selfish...