Sex and masturbation

My husband and I don’t have sex often. There’s been a lot of stress between us and I’ve gained some weight and he’s told me he doesn’t find it attractive. I’ve always been small and with a good body and he figured I’d always be that way, but I’m not and it adds to the stress. It bothers him more than me. Tonight I saw that he was masturbating to porn while I was at work. For some reason, it hit me so hard to see that. I felt so ugly and unattractive, when I know I’m not. I’m not sure how to feel or how to approach this. He was also watching porn he’d never admit to so I don’t think it’s a good convo. We’re very honest and open with each other, but idk. I just feel sorry that I’m fat now and not the person he once loved.

Please weigh in.

Am I wrong? What are your thoughts? Can this be solved?


The confrontation didn’t go well. He turned it on me and then said that he should have listened to his mom(she doesn’t like anyone her boys marry) and I replied I should have listened, too. (I was groomed to marry someone different than him). He said well no one wants you, not even a doctor(more like what I was raised to marry). You’re not pretty enough

And you’re not skinny enough. I think he has self confidence issues. I think he puts me down to keep me down at his level.

He would say that’s not true, but those are his actions. He constantly acts this way.