Milk Supply

Melissa • 4/9/17💍 Oct 11, 2019 👶🏻

My babe is 1 1/2 weeks old. Breastfeeding has been going great thus far, supply and latch have been good. However, I have not been hungry whatsoever. I literally have to force myself to eat. There will be times when I don’t eat for almost 18 hours overnight and into the next day.

Within one feed my supply literally tanked. My breasts didn’t fill back up and now they do not feel full. I am still feeding her but not sure what she is getting as this has only been going on since last evening.

Could this be related to my diet? Should I pump to get supply back up? Clearly I’m going to force myself to eat more regular meals and snack throughout the day. Any advice or comments are appreciated.