
My daughter is in preschool and both my husband and I work full time out side of the home. My daughter goes to a private school that has a lot of military families in it. We live right by Ft. Leavenworth… that’s actually how my family ended up in the area. ANYWAYS because if this there are a lot of SAHM’s that are involved with the school. We’ll since I work my daughter is taken to school and picked up after school by one of her grandmas (most of the time my mother in law but every Friday it’s my mom since it’s her day off and she watches her on Fridays) well today my mom gets there to pick my kid up and the teacher acted like she didn’t want to let my kid go with her (like she has every single freaking Friday since August) well my mom tells her who she’s there for and the teacher (who’s an army wife her self) says “oh, I never know who’s going to pick her up” WHAT?! It’s the same two fucking people expect for ONE time when her papa picked her up due to some unforeseen circumstances that arose. I’m so pissed. I’m sorry not everyone gets to be a SAHM! Some of us don’t get that option. If I could be I would be because nothing is more important to me than my child! This is the second time in less than a year I’ve been shit on and made to feel less than because I’m not a SAHM. 😡😡😡 BEING A SAHM MOM DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER. WORKING OUTSIDE OF THE HOME DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER!!! All parents are trying and doing what’s best for their families so whatever your situation is realize that makes you no better than parents doing the opposite. 😡😡😡