The Set Up pt.4b

As he walked down the hall, he tried the other rooms & say other groups of people in their mostly horny college students. He got to the end of the hall & opened the last door. He saw Brooke on the bed with her pants pulled down. The two guys were on the bed & one guy was hovering over her. Jayce yelled at both of them & they both ran out of the room. It didn’t look like anything had happened yet so that was a relief. But Brooke didn’t look ok. She was breathing, but not responding. He shook her & called her name out & still no response. He carried her in his arms & walked downstairs. His friends saw him & ran to his side. No one seemed to care & went about their business.

Jayce: We’ve got to bring her to the hospital.

Rick: I’ll get the car started.

Lindsey: We’re coming with you, Jayce.

Jayce: Thanks guys.

The 4 of them went to the campus hospital. They sat in the waiting room for about an hour. Soon, the doctor came out & invites them in one at a time. Lindsey & Rick told Jayce to go in.

Doctor: I’m Dr. Chen. Are you her...

Jayce: Dorm mate.

Doctor: Glad you guys brought her in when you did. She overdosed pretty badly & we had to pump her stomach. She’s a little out of it, but she’s awake. She knows where she is. We’re still going to run a few more tests on her before we can release her, but she should be going home tonight.

The doctor waited by the door & let Jayce go in Brooke’s room.

Brooke: Jayce?

Jayce: Hey, how are you? We were worried about you for a minute.

Brooke: I’m surprised someone cared.

Jayce: So, they pumped your stomach?

Brooke: Yeah & they did a couple more tests. Whoever did this to me didn’t get far. All the drugs I had in my system were all oral.

Brooke starts crying. Jayce comforts her.

Brooke: This is all my fault.

Jayce: You can’t blame yourself for this.

Brooke: It is my fault. After Luke & I broke up, I lost it. I lost myself.

Jayce: Well, you’re not alone anymore. I’m here for you.

Brooke & Jayce hug & this started the beginning of their friendship. Brooke went back to the dorm, but was kept a close eye on by the dorm supervisors in case she tried to od again.