Nap time

brooke • girl mama💗💗

Guys bed time and nap time have started to become a nightmare again😩 she went through the dreaded sleep regression of course and then she only went back to sleeping through the night for a week. Now she’s back up at around 12:30am, 3am, around 5:30am, and then gets up at 7am. She has difficulty getting back to sleep during these times too. And she goes to bed at 8:30pm now because that’s what time she wants to go to bed. She doesn’t want to any earlier or any later so I don’t force her to, 8:30 is usually the time she’s ready for bed. I have a bed time routine and we basically do the same things everyday. Eat, play, sleep (naps are nonexistent though) and we don’t get out and about really because it’s starting to get cold and I’m scared of her getting sick right now with it being RSV and flu season. Sometimes if it isn’t too cold we go on a morning walk but lately it’s been too cold. We only go out like maybe once or twice a week to either the store or to my mom’s. So it’s not like her routine or anything has changed. I always make sure she still gets her naps in and she’s fed on time and we’re not out long at all. Her naps have been 10 minutes long and then she’s cranky because her naps are so short and she wants to sleep but can’t. I know I probably need to start sleep training but I can’t handle the CIO. I feel so bad when she’s just laying there crying. I know people have had success with the ferber method but I just feel so bad.. I’m tempted on just sucking it up and trying the Ferber method. She’s so tired! I can tell she’s just so tired but she can’t self soothe and she doesn’t sleep long at all, she’s so restless. She doesn’t have gas and I always make sure she burps and that she’s changed. I make sure she’s not too warm or too cold. We have the same night routine and have had it since she’s came home from the hospital. She used to be good at just laying down and falling right to sleep but then she hit the regression and it’s went downhill from there. What are ways that you guys have sleep trained or are going to sleep train?