Weird guilt


I've been feeling this since my baby has been born, and she's 6 weeks old now.

I have had the absolute dream postpartum and baby. From the minute she was born, I've felt fantastic. I had a 2nd degree episiotomy but it never caused me any pain, like at all. I didn't use any dermoplast because I genuinely didn't need it. The only pain medicine i took was ibuprofen because of vaginal swelling. My muscles were a little sore from pushing but that's the only postpartum discomfort I had, and that lasted 3 days at the most. I never had any heavy bleeding, and the bleeding I did have ended at 2.5 weeks. From the moment she came out, I felt exactly the way I did pre pregnancy. Business as usual. I'm 6 weeks pp and my first menstrual period has already come and gone.

My baby has been so easy. She sleeps just fine by herself in her bassinet, and has slept pretty long stretches since day 1. She's rarely fussy and only cries when she's hungry, gassy, or needs a diaper change. She doesn't need to be held all the time, and sometimes would rather us to just put her down. We had problems breastfeeding so we formula feed and she is spitting up a concerning amount (dr appointment about that next week) but other than that, no issues.

I said all that to say this. I feel SO GUILTY about those things and I don't know why. I know there are moms who have had such difficult postpartum periods and have really been struggling and I feel so strange and guilty that mine has been easy. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO THANKFUL. so unbelievably thankful but I still feel bad. I had a terrible pregnancy and almost died in the first trimester due to hyperemesis gravidarum, so my OB jokingly said that my postpartum has been "blessed by the OB gods" but still.

Does anyone else feel like this? Am I crazy? I also kind of feel like an outcast from other moms because they talk about their postpartum experiences and I just genuinely cannot relate. I feel like if I share my experiences than everyone will either think I'm lying or humble-bragging. :/