Fast labor


So I was told to be at the hospital at 10 moon the 16th to be monitored to get induced. I got there and after registration we were just set to be monitored for a few hours. I was having light contractions nothing major. They wanted to test pictocin on the smallest setting they could give to make sure he would handle labor well later in the day when my doctor was on call cause I wasn’t letting anyone deliver me but my doctor

He did well with the contractions (actually the nurses said he was the most active baby kicking the monitor all night and morning) 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ contractions were every few minutes which was good and then they stopped it after 30 min to make them slow down and not put me into active labor yet by this time I’m just dead tired since ei haven’t been able to sleep and it’s been a long day before with my other kids and cleaning lol

. At 2 am they gave me a pill to dilate and at 6 I was still at 1 cm dilated and still 50 effaced 😒😒😒with contractions every few minutes nothing untolderable probably a 4 in pain. Which I was totally used to cause I’d been having contractions minutes apart for hours all week.

At 6 we just didn’t do anything til my doctor was there and she got there about 8 ish. She was gonna break my water and we would be set right? Have labor start

She broke my water at 8:21 and I was still only 1 cm dilated

And let’s just say it poured. Especially since I had over 9 cm of extra water 🤦🏼‍♀️

Contractions within minutes were painful 6/7 pain wise minutes after she broke my water.

Each contraction was worse and worse. Obviously 😂

After an hour of leaking all over my room and pain already unbearable I was checked and I was at 6 cm dilated already

I called for an epidural and the contractions were intolerable at this point . When the lady came in to do it they checked me and I was at an 8 almost a 9 .

She did the epidural it didn’t take the pain away but made it bareable for about 30 min. Then the contractions started hurting... a lot ... and I started getting feeling and all range of movement in my legs . I started feeling pressure in my butt and the nurse went and got the doctor.

She came it told me to push. One push his head was out BUT I FELT IT ALL. The burning sensation of my freaking vagina stretching for this kids big ass head . My doctor told me to relax and push again and again. Relax and push. JESUS FUCK. That burning was so ducking real man . The pressure of it all didn’t hurt but the burning feeling like you can’t open up any further was terrible.

After his shoulders were out I was able to pull him the rest of the way out and onto me.

His birthday: October 17th, 2019 at 11:48 am

From the start at 8:21 am when my doctor broke my water to when I had him at 11:48 was 3.5 hours ♥️♥️♥️m

8 pounds 3 ounces . 21 inches long