Nexplanon ruining my relationship.

me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost 7 months now. i decided it was time to get put on a form of contraceptive to protect our future since we are only 18. I loved the idea of nexplanon since it was carefree and lasts 3 years so i chose to get it in august. just recently, since i’ve started college, my anxiety, insecurities, and fear of losing him have been through the roof. my sex drive is so low and i’m spotting ever other week it feels like. we argue almost every night now over literally NOTHING and it’s 80% of the time because of me and my irritability. he has gotten so frustrated with me that sometimes when we argue he says some awful things out of frustration. he later apologizes and says he doesn’t mean it like that, that he was just overwhelmed which is VERY understandable and i forgive him. he’s slowly learning how my mental states are heavily influenced by my birth control but we have been on the edge of breaking up twice now and it kills me to see this go this route. i’m scared because he means the most to me. we have helped each other through soooo much and i can’t afford to lose him over A PLASTIC ROD IN MY ARM.

does anyone know anything that can help me NOT overreact over nothing?