Light spotting after wiping on Prometrium??


I’m 5w5d and just had my first appt Wednesday (oct 16) hcg came back 1707 and progesterone 8.5 my doctor said not to worry as the low level doesn’t really indicate too much and she’s had patients with lower deliver healthy babies. But she said if it would give me peace of mind she’d prescribe vaginal progesterone since I miscarried last year and have been worried ever since I got a positive test. I had a redraw for hcg and progesterone Friday ( oct 18 ) and won’t get the results until prob Monday but anyway , tonight was my second night inserting the pill and I went to use the restroom about an hour / hour and a half later and wiped to find something on my toilet paper , I can’t tell it maybe it’s just how the pill looks absorbed ? But I didn’t have this the first night it was not much but a small amount of light pink maybe dark brown blood but not for sure and it’s only when I wipe. I’ve been pee twice since and nothing came up when I wiped is this normal? I’m kinda freaking out bc I won’t be able to get in touch with my doctor until Atleast Monday ! I also have a uti and just started the medication tonight for it. Anyone else take progesterone and get spotting or similar symptoms I’ve also felt really nauseous and very light cramping but I can’t tell if that’s just gas bc it’s in and off. Should I not worry unless it becomes heavy? Is this normal ? Also the paper that came with my prescription said don’t take while pregnant but many other people use this and my ob prescribed it also the pharmacist said it’s fine when she asked what I’ll be using it for? Could this just be from maybe my uterus being irritated since my body is new to it? It was so light I can’t even confirm if it was blood or not there was just very very small morsels of what looked to be blood but not dark red or thick and def not large amounts. Like literally looked like 3 or 4 little sand sized brown pinkish red spots on top of discharge color (not blood) . Please help!!!! Sorry if this is really long I have severe anxiety uggh