Bad luck! Rant..


I swear if if didn't have bad luck I would have no luck at all. From the get go I've had hypermemsis (still have now), SPD kicked in at around 18 weeks. Work have been a nightmare with me. I've ended up with prenatal depression which I have now started antidepressants for. These have come with a pretty horrible adjustment phase where the side effects have been awful but I've hung in there so far, I'm now 9 days in. 3 weeks ago I had a gastro bug, and yesterday I woke upto what I thought was tonsilitis but today I've woke up to a full blown cold! Urrrr I've had practically 28 weeks of illness and torture... when is it going to stop? I can't catch a break at all! I need blessing or someone to lift this curse off me please. I have a long list of jobs that need doing that's just getting longer and longer. I so wish I was sat in my little girls freshly decorated nursey with everything set out, freshly laid thick carpet between my toes while I cradle my bump eagerly awaiting her arrival all whilsts feeling pretty good.... such a simple little dream but I could not be further from it right now 🙄 magic wand anyone??