Test restults


Long story so here goes

me and my partner are ttc only been trying since May I'm a mother to a 9 year old 🌈 son after losing my first at 28 weeks pregnant 11 years ago ( both my sons with an ex, current partner doesn'htave kids)

16th july I had my normal 3 day period

Then 6 weeks later 23rd of augest I had a light pink bleed took pregnancy test and what showed a faint line so we thought the light bleed was implantation so we thought we would wait till the bleeding stopped then tested again and tests cane back negative.

I went to the doctors then ran a test and said it was negative but did bloods and they showed I had a low iron level was given iron tablets and told to keep on testing and wait to see if my period came along. Then 9th of September I had a normal period so went back to the doctors as I was generally not feeling great had pregnancy symptoms (feeling sick, couldn't drink a full cup of tea without feeling sick, funny taste in mouth, few cramps especially when I walked I felt heavy in my pelvis, very forgetful, lower back aches, sore boobs, tender nipples and itchy skin round my chest, headaches all the time)

Again my bloods were checked and had urine tested also they gave me antibiotics as they weren't sure if my urine had blood in it as I had just finished my period or I had an infection and my iron levels were still abit low and was given migraine tablets as that sounded like I was suffering with it. (Never had migraines before) so was refured to the hospital for an ultrasound.

Well went for my ultrasound the other day 17th October and started my period again on the 15th day 36 on that cycle which for me is not normal as I'm normally 28-30 days.

The scan seemed normal and nothing was detected my ovaries seemed fine and uterus looked healthy. They have put it down to miscarriage and my body is just settling back down as they carnt see any other reason as to why my periods have been so off set these past few months. Total relief as seriously was thinking something was wrong as back to ttc got ovulation tests so let's hope these next few months are better for us.

Baby dust to you all.