Low weight

My little guy was born at 6lb 9oz at his 1m check up he weight 8lb 3oz. Pediatrician wanted him to come back in 2 weeks for a weight check. 2 weeks later he was 8lb 14oz. Based on the chart he’s In the 4% for weight. Wanted me to keep track of his feeds for another 2 weeks. Had to reschedule so it ended up being 3 weeks.

At his 2month check up he weighted 10lb 2oz still in the 4% for weight. Sent him for blood work to check his thyroid levels and wants me to thicken his formula with cereal to increase his caloric intake. Bc he’s not really eating high volumes.

Well now he’s going even longer between feeds to eat since adding the oatmeal cereal. What should I do?

EDIT- for length: at birth he was 18.5 and I don’t remember what he was at his 1 month but at his 2 month he was 21 1/2 (in the 1%). I don’t remember his head circumference I think it was 14 but I’m not 100% sure she said that has dropped off a bit but I’m not sure what she meant