Stevie Grae Birth Story 10/17


Alright ladies, got the goods for ya! 😂 This is a Midwife Birth, with very little intervention.

Thursday at 7:30am, my husband and I drove to our hospital for our elective induction. I really didnt want to be induced as I was with our first, but MIL is flying in this Saturday to help and was worried she may not come out. Mine like to cook lol

Anyway, got hooked up to my IV. 9am, my midwife decided to give me Cytotec (cervical ripening drug). I was dialated to 3cm, with a soft cervix, but had a stiff "lip" at the opening. This is a tablet that they insert. After 4 hours, I was dilated to 5cm. This also causes contractions, but they are more ripening than anything else.

My midwife decided to start a pitocin drip at 1, and raise it 1-2 every 30 mins. This is a VERY small amount of pitocin. The point was to get my body kick started so it would labor naturally without the help. I was on this for around 2 hours, at a 3 drop before being taken off completely. My body started working on it's own.

Decided to take a bath, and our son came with. It was pretty special! Wanted to relax before the show really started, but the water definitely helped with contractions, no matter how small!

5pm, my midwife came in to break my water. At this point, I was offered everything as an option (one reason I loved my midwife experience). I decided against an epidural and opted for Nitrous, just to help me "Care Less", this did not necessarily help with contraction pain. Choosing an epidural late as possible was my plan LOL

5cm turned into 8cm, then 10cm within 1.5hrs. I used a birth ball and a squat bar, while my RN and midwife massaged my lower back. This actually gave me some relief, not really pain wise, but helped to console me I guess while in pain. My plan was to go as long as I could before an epidural, but it takes about 45 mins to get the anesthesiologist up and going, so honestly I pretty much had no time whatsoever.

I had to pee at 9cm, and while on the toilet I screamed "I need drugs" was too late. There was nothing strong enough, that could be given quickly enough, that was safe enough for the baby and I.

I got in bed and was ready to push. GIRLS, seriously, this shit was rough, I cannot lie lol. I was over it, let's leave her in my womb, dont care anymore 😂 Obviously, NOT AN OPTION.

I knew from all the stories I read, that when It comes time to "push" it is an uncontrollable sensation. Like you have a take a really big poop, and honestly, super true!

I went from not being able to push, to pooping on the table lol. I knew i was going to because i couldn't poop before coming to the hospital. I was way concerned haha. But, in the moment I totally didnt care. I had to push and there was no stopping it. But my midwife handled it so well, didnt say anything, and took care of it immediately without any embarrassment. SHE ROCKED! LOL

She kept telling me she could see babies head, and I thought everytime I pushed "is she out yet!?" I just wanted her out already!! But nope, one more, one more.

I pushed probably 4-5 times. My contractions were about 1.5 minutes apart, so it was actually very quick.

BOOM, baby out. She felt like a slimy wet fish coming out 😂 But the feeling was so relieving after all the pain.

Midwife exclaims "You didn't even tear!" Awesome! I tore with my son, had to stitched, didn't even know, and it wasnt horrible healing. So honestly, I didnt care either way, but cool! One less vagina issue haha.

Overall, super unnecessary to not have pain relief, but it was too late. I do believe that being active helped labor progress. And not having an epidural is helping me recover super fast. But, the downside is serious exhaustion.

Stevie Grae came into the world after a 5.5hr labor and very little intervention at 6:37pm, 10/17/2019.

Weighing 6lbs, 13oz, 19" long.

Yesterday, I opted for a Tubal Ligation "tube tying", which is actually a tube removal. No more babies for us, but we are so blessed to have two perfectly healthy, wonderful children ♡