Born on 9/19. A little late on the story.


Had my doctor appt on 9/18. Was still only 4cm dilated. Went to work. Started having lower back pain and cramping to where it made me nauseous. Called the office and they sent me to labor and delivery. Picked my husband up and we headed over. Came in and checked me and still only 4cm. So we walked around a little to see if it changed and nothing changed. Doctor came in and said about an induction so I said yea. This was all around 2:30-3pm. So from there on, labor wasn’t too horrible. I dealt with the pain. But had to get the epidural at some point because of pain on my right side. Around

8:33am on 9/19(his due date) I started pushing. He was born at 8:47am, only 14 minutes of pushing. He weighed 7lbs 12.75oz and was 18.75 in long. His oxygen levels were low so they had to take him to the nursery. Had a little bit of fluid in his lungs that he eventually coughed up. He is a healthy baby boy now at 1 month old.