Early movement?

So I'm 12 weeks 6 days, and I was having sporadic cramps this evening. I put my hand on my stomach just to put a little pressure on it like I usually do to help my cramps, when I felt MOVEMENT! I didn't get too excited because obviously it's SUUUPER early to feel anything, but a few minutes later another small cramp came and with it movement!!

A few hours later I had my husband take a feel just to make sure I wasn't going crazy, and sure enough he felt a few movements as well as I cramped! This will be my first baby (previous early mc), so I know that it's usually noticable around 16 weeks, not 12.

We have a Doppler, and I placed it where we felt the movement, and sure enough we found baby's heartbeat beating away.

Has anyone else experienced this, or am I going crazy?