Negative Nancy over here.


I used to hate hearing people complain about pregnancy, but damn. I’ll be 32 weeks along tomorrow and I’m over this. Our pregnancy was very much planned and we had a miscarriage prior, so I’m super grateful and I already love my son beyond words, but this is one of those days where I am just totally not liking pregnancy. I recently gave someone a pep talk and told them that it’s okay to have these days and that there’s no rule saying we have to like pregnancy, but I still feel guilty for feeling this way.

Symptom complaints: Can’t sleep anymore. This heartburn is UNREAL; I thought it was done in the second trimester, but it has come back full freaking force. Lying down makes the heartburn worse despite being tired from not being able to sleep. I am starting to feel like I’m getting a cold. And my husband and I have a 6+ hour drive home. If I can sleep upon getting home, the following day, I begin my weekly appointments for NSTs due to being high risk because of GD.

Thanks for listening to my whining.