Baby shower gift

One of my friends gave me a flash drive with a power point on it for my son when he gets older, it had pictures of me and my fiancé and a bunch of my bump progress pictures. The last few slides said something about people who love you and are excited to meet you. On one of those slides there is a picture of my sister now that pissed me off because my sister does not love my son she wants him dead. My sister has done nothing my whole pregnancy but tell me how my son is a bastard and how she hopes me and him both die and if he doesn’t she is going to do everything she can to get him taken away from me after he is born even threatening to have me put out on the streets and so I’m homeless so CPS will have to take my son from me. My friend knows all about it, she is one of the few people I would call and cry to and show the text messages. So when I saw that she put my sister in the slide show it made me so upset. I texted her and told her I was upset about it but now she is making every excuse about why she is in there. Honestly I want to yell at her and rip her a new one but I don’t think it will do any good. Sorry I just needed to vent.