How to switch to formula??


I have been ebf but I am so over this. I know that sounds terrible but I can’t stand the fact that I’m glued to the couch or everytime she cries it’s “oh she needs ur boob”. I’m going to lose it. I have a six year old as well who I feel like I barely get to hang out with and a dog. This was easier to breastfeed my first cause I could focus all my time on her but now there’s so much going on. Plus I’m taking online classes for my bachelors and it’s hard to type with one hand and eat with one hand etc. it feels like my three week old isn’t happy unless she’s attached to my boob.

I have constant anxiety about going out because of having to breastfeed (I have a nursing cover but still...), even going to my in-laws stresses me out because of pulling my boob out. She also won’t take a pacifier and I’m seriously about to have a breakdown here 😭😭😭 I try to pump when I can but I only get an ounce or two and I’m trying to make a stash for when I go back to work so I haven’t introduced the bottle yet.

So if I do switch to formula, how do you decide which one to go with? Is it hard to transition?? Ugh I feel like I sound so selfish but I feel like I’m becoming so depressed.