Rant *long*

Okay I have no idea how to start this rant off but let me just get into it.. my husband and I have been together for about 6-7 year and we’ve only been married for 2 and we just had our first baby 9 months ago and I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with #2. I have always been the one to do the cleaning even before we were married, I have done all of the household chores and laundry and I try to cook as much as I can but as much as I’m ashamed to say it isn’t all that often now because of all the extra things I’m doing. We own a business together and it’s a lot of manual labor which I mostly do because for the first few years it was all my husband so I took it over for him so now he just deals with the customers. But I am just so tired and tense and I need to just have a day alone for myself.. he is constantly getting upset with me because our house gets cleaned (by me) then it’s a mess by the end of the day and I don’t clean it until the next morning.. its so hard to pick up after coming home from a hard labor job (and take care of our baby at the same time) he doesn’t understand that he can help with the household it’s insane of me to even bring it up to him because he tells me well I do a lot and I go through a lot at work, and I tell him I know I work with you🙄 and recently I have just felt so bad about my body because I have been pregnant 2x in less than 2 years.. I got pregnant 2months after having my first baby so I didn’t get a chance to lose that pregnancy weight so now I’ve gained even more weight.. before my first I weighed 190 now I weigh 234 the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life.. and my husband makes sure to point it out he constantly tells me that I’m bigger then I used to be (duh I’m pregnant 🙄) just today he said wow your leg is way bigger then it used to be and when I hold you it doesn’t even feel like I’m holding the same person anymore... and it really hurts and he just can’t understand why.. so because of being tired of being the only one who does things around the house and being pregnant again after having a c-section and now being ashamed of my body I don’t like my husband to see me naked or to touch my stomach.... so today he tells me you’re not happy like you used to be and I say well yeah look at what my body has gone through in the past 2 years and what I’ve gone through mentally and emotionally but I am still very happy just tired, and I told him I love him and appreciated him and he stopped the conversation and hasn’t acted right after that.. I just don’t know anymore... my husband is not bad he’s very loving and caring and it’s way more good than bad but I just need to get all of this off my chest because I have no one besides him to talk to..

And people constantly tell me oh it’s because he’s still adjusting to his life now and I need to be patient but I’m still adjusting to so🤷🏻‍♀️