4 months pp csection & possibly pregnant?!

Had some very light pink spotting the other day, and today I feel extremely nauseous. Last period was only like 2-3 weeks ago. I’m almost 4 months PP with my first baby via csection. Anyone else had another pregnancy this quick after csection? We aren’t trying and have been cautious because I know you’re extremely fertile after giving birth, but shit happens and I wouldn’t be sad (my husband said he wouldn’t be sad or upset either, just that it is so soon if I am) just worried about my uterus just being sliced open a few months ago lol. I could just be tripping, but I haven’t felt nauseous like this since my first trimester with my first baby, and I was throwing up at least 3 times a day. Lawd idk if I could handle another pregnancy this fast😩😂 #Prayformysanityplease lmao