8 mo baby not eating solids

Tracy • Mommy to Ellis Marie 2/9/19 💗

Is anyone else’s baby a little apprehensive when it comes to eating solids? I’ve tried giving her a variety of soft foods on her tray and she plays with it and just brings it to her tongue, but doesn’t eat any of it. With thin apple slices she will somewhat bite but if she gets a piece she spits it out. It’s like that with most anything. She’ll bring it to her mouth and make a chewing motion like she has something in it. It’s almost as if she is afraid she will gag if she gets a bite. She will eat purées like a champ.

Her pediatrician said at 6 months start some solids but I waited until she was 7 because she didn’t seem interested at all and hadn’t made any chewing motions yet. Are we behind, on target? First baby over here so I really don’t know how this goes.