How to get over this feeling?

Hi I would like some advice please.

Towards the end of my last "relationship" my ex boyfriend made me feel like I was annoying. He asked me why we needed to speak every day and sometimes he would take hours to respond to me or ignore me. When he did respond, they were one word answers at time. It was confusing to me because I thought that  if we were together it wouldn't be a problem for me to want to talk to him. It didn't have to be all day but just hearing from him because I loved him was something I wanted. It eventually came to the point where I was afraid to message him because I didn't want to come across as annoying or clingy so I would wait until he messaged me or if I did message, I would be really anxious in seeing his response.

I'm now talking to someone new and we speak every day but I can't help but wonder if he wants to hear from me everyday. This new guy told me that when he doesn't hear from me he feels a type of way but I still can't help but feel afraid to message him sometimes.

 How can I overcome this feeling? TIA xxx