Finally picked a name!

Erica • 29 y.o. | 7 losses 💔 | Engaged💍| 🌈 Cora born 12/16/19 | Bridger due 11/9/22

First I'll start that I had an appointment today. She weighs 3 lbs 4 oz at 29+5. She looks good but high risk is slightly concerned about my number of Braxton Hicks and the pressure on my cervix. So. I see bed rest in my near future. Lol. Couldn't really get a good picture of her face today because she's shoved up in my ribs 😅😅🤰🏼

HOWEVER. My fiance and I finally finally finally agreed on a name! And we're waiting to tell people so I'll tell you guys! Lol. It's .........

Cora Adelynn Day! I love it so much! ❤️😍 I couldn't stop smiling when we finally picked it 😁😁😁