Hello sleep!!

Jo • 1 Ectopic 2 early losses, now mommy to the beautiful E 🧡🧡🧡💗

This post is for all the mommas currently going through this crazy sleep thing. I’ve posted a few desperate post on here as little E all of a sudden stopped sleeping. While she obviously wanted to be asleep she was so restless arms waving and leg kicking and crying for her dummy almost ever hour on the hour. This went on for over a week I couldn’t sleep even when she was asleep as I was so anxious about her waking up again. I suffer from PND/PNA and while I was on a pretty even keel the lack of sleep was beginning to really get to me. Then last night it changed she slept for 12 hours. The 1st 6-7 hours without a single fuss and then only 2 minute long fussys dummy back in and sleep again. I still didn’t sleep as well as I could have but boy do I feel better. So to all the momma desperately looking for a post that says this does get better here it is. We have got this 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻