Is it wrong for a person with a disease to carry on doing things that can make it worst or cause it?


my papa has cancer

him and my mom constantly argue over whether he really cares about it or not. he had 2 types and the first was aggressive but he managed to beat it but now has a 2nd after beating the first he started smoking but wasnt a smoker before any of this

My moms point is he will guilt trip everyone about having cancer and often get upset and scared about possibly dying from it but does the one thing that evidently makes it worst

is she wrong in saying he clearly doesnt care that much about dying of it when he does everything to contribute to it getting worst or forming a new more aggressive one ? not to mention she feels like the health care system are wasting their time treating him when he “messes” up the it efforts to save his life and rid his cancer but potentially could give himself more ?

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