I’m not eating 😖

Since I was younger, eating food in the morning made me nauseous, sick to my stomach so I would usually eat around noon and it was fine since it was just me. I’m pregnant now, I just entered my second trimester and I can’t seem to eat. Im up early for work around 6am and I try to eat and I just can’t because my nausea is just so bad. So once I’m at work I don’t eat cause I’m not feeling good but I’m here for 8 hours. I’m usually not eating until 3pm. When I do eat after work I eat a good amount of food I guess making up for the morning but does anyone know what I can do to help myself eat in the morning? I know it’s bad to starve myself especially while I’m pregnant but I can’t even get a cracker in my mouth without gagging in the morning so I just survive off water and gum. I can’t bring lunch to eat later cause my shitty job doesn’t have a place to store food until it’s ready to eat. (I work in a kiosk gas station) so if I do bring something it has to be small enough to fit behind the drinks in the drink cooler. I wanna know if this harms my baby at all by me not eating?? Cause I do eat the rest of the day it’s just from like 7-3 that I’m not eating much if at all.