He text his ex

Little back story when me and my now bf met we were both going through break ups, mine wasn’t bad his on the other hand.. this girl seemed so psycho he would block her and she’d blow him up and leave voicemails telling him nasty things. I guess she was abusive, one day we went out to dinner and I saw her blowing him up and I asked him why did he stay with her and he said because of the sex, he’s never been so sexually compatible with anyone but her. He said it was addicting but he knew it would never be more because she was abusive and possessive.. I didn’t care at the time we were just seeing where things went.. and I’ve actually been there. In a relationship just for the sex. Now at this time we weren’t sexual

Fast forward a month later we start getting intimate & I started to notice he’d be more vocal about what he liked in bed okay cool I wanted to please him.. 3 months later relationship & now

Two day’s ago he broke up with me said we weren’t compatible I started reaching out to him because I didn’t understand, he agreed to meet and said he texted his ex saying “can I see you today” I was speechless and he said he’s going to be brutally honest with me.. he wasn’t being satisfied in bed that we liked different things (which he isn’t wrong about but I thought we could learn what we both like) he said he was sexually frustrated and that’s why he texted.

I’m speechless and so hurt. He said that’s why he broke up with me.. I don’t even know what to think.

He says he loves everything about me besides us being intimate and he doesn’t know how this can work..