SAD UPDATE Im gonna be a GRANDMA March 2020!!! AND a new MOMMY 4 months later in July!!!

Konnie • Mom of 2 handsome boys ages Miscarried my angel baby girl Clementine November 2019 🧡 TTC my rainbow 🌈 Proud GLAMma to my 2 gorgeous grandbabies 💚♥️🥰

Just got my BMFFP TODAY!!! After exactly 30 long cycles of ttc with my love!!! ♥️🖤💚

We’re stunned and ecstatic!!!

I’m 11 dpo, cd 23, of a regular 26 days cycles. My due date is 7/7/2020! I just KNEW it this time!!! Like REALLY knew!!! I have so much to say, but honesty, for now I’m still a bit speechless... But I promise to tell all you curious ttc’ers what I did that was different this last cycle, once I catch my breath! It’s UNREAL the things I’ve tried to get pregnant! Lol

So DON’T GIVE UP LADIES!!! Not EVER!!! If I can do it naturally at age 43, YOU CAN TOO!!! So for now I’m sending you all my positive vibes! Baby dust! and lots of ALOHA!!! 🤙🏼🌺

Monday’s test 8 dpo bfn 👇🏻

Today’s test, Thursday 11 dpo BPF!!! 👇🏻

Went in for ultrasound at almost 8 weeks, was told no heart beat💔. Baby measured at 7 weeks. Scheduled another ultrasound for a week later to check again... still nothing, same size. HCG went from 90,033.3 to 55,000 in that week. D&C is scheduled for tomorrow at 9 weeks 4 days... I’m absolutely still stunned and devastated. I did get 1 ultrasound pic... this is my little opihi ♥️