Progressive Education


Tired of the transphobic topics so I'm making this. So, I'm still relatively new to learning about progressive teaching/learning. Not being versed enough to explain it myself, I took the liberty of taking some screenshots of an article on it for you to better explain it for those who may not have heard of it, or who may not know very much of it.

I've been seeing this get a lot of slack lately, and I think it's because it isn't very well understood. My daughter's new school does progressive education and their grading system changes from the classic "A, B, C, D, F" to "M, P, N" instead. M is mastery, P is progressing, and N is needs support. It draws the focus back on learning as opposed to on how to take a test.

At first, I honestly thought the new grading system was ridiculous. I was always very grade oriented to the point I would get anxiety attacks if I thought I may have gotten a B on something instead of an A. But the more I thought about it, the more I really started liking this new grading system. It probably really helps take a lot of the anxiety that comes with school out of the picture. Which in turn helps you learn better. They are huge on group projects and being really hands on. My daughter used to fake being sick because she didn't want to go to school, but now she hates long weekends because she just loves her school so much. She's learning and enjoying it!

How many of you have had experience with progressive education? Do you feel it should replace our test centered form of teaching or do you feel it's being too soft on kids and leaves them unprepared for the real world? Any teachers here have experience with it and have any inside opinions?