I broke up with him ...was I wrong?

Purest • The best things in life are created with love ❤️

So my bf and I are currently in two different states due to college. We are normally together for breaks. We’ve been together for 6 years.

Today, we spoke on the phone briefly as I was eating breakfast. Things seemed fine. When I got home I called him before I took a nap...no answer. So I tried again a few hours later around 5:30 ...still no answer. I did homework and just chilled a bit and called him before I went to hang with a friend.. I’d say around 9:30pm at this point. Still no answer. So I went to the movies with friends. When I got home I tried to call him but instead of FaceTime like I had been doing all day I called regular. He picked up. At this point it’s 10 at night and I’m pissed. I asked him what he was up to and mentioned that I had been calling. He said he had been sleep and just woke up to get food. I didn’t believe him and don’t. I called a few times and got nothing. I questioned him if there was someone else because In the past there had been. Since then he’s changed a lot but still for me to call like that and you just now are picking up the phone doesn’t make me feel any better. So we get into a bit of an argument. I yell mostly he acts as if he doesn’t care. And then asks so what was “so important that you called me so many times anyway?” I instantly got upset and felt hurt. I told him I was calling because I had missed him I mean the last time we spoke was around 12 noon when I was eating breakfast. The conversation ended with me breaking up with him. Was I wrong?