*UPDATE* What would result “detected” in NIPT results?


So I had my bloodwork drawn for my NIPT on 10/23 I was 13w6d. They said it takes 5-10 business days for results. This is day 5 so I logged into my patient portal to see if anything popped up. Some results are there but there’s nothing in the columns yet that show you what the result is for.

Is the Y chromosome the only thing that would pop a “detected” result? I’m impatient & excited now that baby may be a boy! We have a 21 month old daughter & she’s been insisting that this baby is a “bubba” (brother).

*UPDATE*: I called my OB’s nurse this morning & told her what I was seeing on the patient portal. She checked my records for me & it’s confirmed: I have a baby BOY due April 23!