Potty Training A Boy


So I am a teacher at my sons childcare & between the ages 2 and 3 they have an expectation that all the kids need to be potty trained between then.

My son is currently 2.5. He is scared to death of peeing on the toilet! I spent 4 hours with him last night trying to get him to relax enough to pee on the toilet but he got so angry, to the point he slapped me & threw the IPad, which he has NEVER done. I’ve tried turning him around on the potty, using bribes, he even played in warm bath water for an hour and started to poop so I put him on the toilet & literally had to hold him on there 😔

Idk what to do anymore, as a mother I don’t want to force my son into this if he isn’t ready, but every other kid is doing it & none of them have had this reaction.

Help please!