Possible miscarriage?

I went into planned parenthood on Friday to start the process of a medical abortion. I got a very early positive, one 8 days before my period was due. I would have been 5+3 based on my LMP Friday. The doctor couldn’t find anything after a 15 minute transvaginal ultrasound, no yolk sac yet. He told me you can typically see them by now so I had labs done and go back for more bloodwork Monday to see if my levels are rising properly. I’ve had more intense cramping than I ever had with my previous pregnancies and I’ve spotted very slightly a couple times which never happened with my others either. He kept mentioning a possible ectopic pregnancy and gave me paperwork about a molar pregnancy too. I feel a lot of relief over the idea of this potentially being a miscarriage. I know that’s awful to say, but it would help me accept this so much more. I hope there’s nothing seriously wrong like an ectopic though. I am imagining that it was just too early to see anything and I’ll end up having to go through with the abortion anyway. Staying pregnant for even longer really sucks, especially when I don’t know what’s going on inside my body. The nausea is starting to hit me. I took another pregnancy test today and the control line was barely visible with very diluted urine, so I think my hcg levels are fairly high. I know that isn’t a good indicator though. I just want this to all be over with so I can start the healing process.