High BP??


So at my appointment Thursday I was 35 weeks exactly and my bp was much higher than normal (137/77 when I usually have pretty low bp like 100/60). My doctor was talking about having to induce me at 37 weeks if I kept having high readings. I was pretty stressed last week but nothing out of the ordinary and have definitely been way more stressed at other points during this pregnancy and still had the low bp. I checked it again The next morning and it was still a little high (131/79). I had a headache all weekend so Sunday we went to the grocery store and checked and it was back down to normal (115/75).

Any chance my bp stays normal and I don’t have to be induced?? It’s worth mentioning my hands have been swelling consistently since 25ish weeks (thanks 100 degree Alabama heat). I’m also not dropping any protein that I know of, and I know they test for that every appointment.

Please don’t post your horror stories my doctor is keeping an eye on me closely I would really just like to know if anyone had a couple days of high bp readings and then it went back to normal... TIA