How to know if one has life insurance and updated Will?

Keisha • 23 🌮🍷 Momma to a baby boy 💙 Girl due Nov 2019🎀Wifey to Mr. J 🥰💑👪

Yes I know, not an appropriate group but I’m due this month and have been posting here since April, plus I recently posted about my dad passing away. So I figured someone on here maybe a little more wise than me can help me out.

I’m not too sure what’s my place and what’s not here, my step mom is saying my dads will was last updated in 2004. But she recently told me maybe 2 months ago that they are updating it and put me down as guardian of my 2 sisters if anything happens to both of them, kids are 7 and 12 right now. I said yes no problem. So I know there’s an updated will, plus her sister has said also.

1. Do I have a right to call his lawyer and ask if there’s an updated Will? My mom says I do but I don’t want to randomly call and that sort of thing.

Now the cost of his funeral was just under $10,000. I have a feeling he has life insurance, he was 53 with a wife and kids so I don’t see why he wouldn’t. I also remember them vaguely having someone over to discuss life insurance YEARS ago with an advisor. But my step mom is claiming he didn’t have life insurance, I honestly dont fully believe her.

2. How would I know for sure if he had it? I have a few places in mind he would have it with but I don’t know if I can legally call and ask and have the right to know.

I’m just wanting to make sure that what he wanted his kids to have we will have, he was not wealthy by all means so this has nothing to do with money and more so honesty from my step mom. I 100% expect the house to be passed down to her since she they had younger children together, and his truck he just bought she will he getting her license to drive it since now she’s the only parent. But his personal belongings like tools etc. I know he would have put somewhere what he would have liked his kids to have. My brother is 21 so I know our dad would have wanted him to have his tools (sheds full) the man was always doing something. I just find it fishy how she’s now saying the will wasn’t updated and that he never had life insurance. He was put on disability a year ago, diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s and had open heart surgery back in 2004 and ever since has had a mechanical valve so in my opinion he would have wanted life insurance to cover the costs of the funeral considering his health.