Sibling Rivalry part 7


2 years earlier


I walked into the kitchen gently tapping on the glass. I was constantly told not to knock but I couldn't stop the manners were to ingrained.

"hi." a bright voice called out from behind the fridge.

"oh... Um... Errr... Hey... Um... Hi... I..." I stammered Ella seemed able to cause me to forget 90%of my vocabulary. She smiled, damn she was so beautiful.

"sebs just popped out. He'll just be a minute but good news you two are coming to a party tonight."

"really" I frowned.

"do you want a drink?" she asked, I shook my head as she grabbed a coke and sat down next to the breakfast bar.

"party's aren't really my thing."

"well what else are you guys going to do tonight. Just get out meet some real 3d people." she smiled, "ill look after you."

"OK." I said unable to say no to her all she had to do was smile and I'd agree to anything.

That was how me and seb ended up at some fucking guys house. It was a proper house party and me and seb clearly didn't belong so had swiped a bottle of vodka and re treated to a corner sitting on the floor swigging it. Ella had honestly looked after us for a while but she had given up trying to force us to mingle and had disappeared into the crowds this was her world. We continued drinking until my head grew more than a little fuzzy. But I kept my eyes scanning the room looking for signs of Ella my eyes seemingly magnetically attracted to her.

"ollie mate can we go?"

"we could I'm a bit pissed." I giggled, "you parents won't like it."

"we could go to yours." seb suggested. "I need to talk to you."

"OK should we look for Ella."

Seb pointed and I saw, her curled up in the lap of some guy. I glowered

"guess we leave her here."


I'm not entirely sure how we got home stumbling around half supporting half dragging each other down. I was definitely the more drunk and I'm a happy drunk. Seb it appeared was a somber one. We cambered up to my room and I flopped down on my bed. "ollie can you sit up I want to talk to you."

"talk away bro but sitting up unlikely till the room stops spinning." seb sighed and lay down next to me.

"OK... We'll. Umm... OK... I guess.... Umm... I'm just going to...."

"seb as riviting as this is spit it out I'm too drunk."

"I'm gay." that snapped my eyes open.

"eh?" seb nodded, "have you told your family?"

"no. I don't want to not yet."



"bet she knows anyway she's so smart."

"and you are so obvious."

"that's not what we are talking about. How long have you known?" he shrugged,

"a long time."

"so why are you telling me but not your family?"


"look mate for what it's worth it makes no difference to me. Your still you. And I'm honestly I'm a little offended that you thought I could be any different. So you going to tell anyone else?"

"I'm just not ready to you know come out yet"

"well I'm here for you when your ready."

"well I think I should confess, I kind of had to tell you. I sort of developed a but of a crush."

"oh who" I said seb smiled stilll talking to the duvet refusing to look at me.

"you you idiot."


"I just thought before we sober up I have to do this"

"wh..." before I could complete my drunken thick comment seb pressed his soft lips to mine cutting me off. I froze up not so much from shock more from not having a clue what to do I had barely kissed girls before let alone a guy. Sebs kiss was hesitant he was clearly expecting me to move away and I knew I should but my drink fogged brain couldn't figure out what to do. Seb slowly slid his hands into my hair his tongue slipping out to meet mine. I don't know when or if I made the decision to respond but all of a sudden my body awoke and my lips were moving against sebs with way more enthusiasm than I wanted to admit my hands were gripping his waist. From far away I became vaguely aware of a tugging at my jeans.

"seb what are you doin?" I muttered thickly.

"relax" seb muttered, "it's all good." my breath caught as I felt a hand grip my cock firmly. This turned into a groan as the grip moved stroking my cock firmly. Seb kissed me again as he kept moving his hand up and down my cock. I was powerless as my body responded to his touches. I broke our kiss moaning loudly as my head dropped back. Seb cursed and removed his hand. I frowned confused and sat up opening my eyes to see seb yanking my jeans and boxers down and puling them off. He smiled,

"they were in the way." seb leaned over and took my cock in his warm mouth.

"fuck." I shouted my head snapping back my eyes closing as I bit my lip. Nobody had ever touched me like this before. I panted in pure ecstasy as I felt the strong suction around my cock. An image of Ella popped into my mind I purred in approval. Suddenly it was her on the bed with me in my mind it was Ella sucking on my cock. It was Ella making these noises. It was Ella's warm mouth wrapped around me. I purred at the thought, that image of Ella combined with the sensations made my hips surge as I felt myself growing close

"Ella." I panted My eyes snapped open and landed on seb who was bobbing up and down still sucking on me. His eyes flicked up and the bright blue locked on mine. Our eyes remained locked as I tangled my hands in his hair and came hard over and over into sebs mouth. I collapsed back on the bed panting heavily my head dropped to the side. I sat up suddenly terrified it had only been a second had I imagined it. I shoved seb back off me roughly.

"seb fucking get off." i stumbled to my feet grabbing my jeans that I shoved on roughly.

"ollie ollie relax its OK."

"no no no it is most definitely NOT ok." I rubbed a hand roughly across my forehead. "fuck I'm drunk have no clue what was happening?"

"ollie do not fuck with me you knew exactly what we were doing and you weren't exactly protesting."

"no no no you can be gay I'm not., I'm drunk. I like girls... I like your fucking sister. Look you need to go."


"you need to get out of here now."

"fuck you." seb shouted storming out slamming the door behind him. I groaned and flopped back on the bed. I couldn't be sure but for a moment I was convinced I had seem my father just outside the door tomorrow was going to be fucking hell.

Thank you for reading hope your enjoying and please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions ❤️❤️❤️